60% des cyclistes se disent plus en sécurité sur un vélo électrique.

Cycling comes with its share of risks. Road accidents are a reality, which is why it is essential to take all the necessary safety measures when riding a bike. What many people don’t know is that e-bikes can contribute to safer cycling, although you might think otherwise. Here’s why.

Safety, a priority for cyclists

In a survey (1) carried out in North America, a group of researchers found that safety is among the main criteria for North Americans when it comes to buying a bike. As it should be! Even though electric bikes offer a pleasant ride, while being beneficial to the cyclists’ health and to the environment, the fact remains that they must be used with precaution. After all, electric bikes are subject to traffic laws as, they share the same space with other vehicles such as cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

The electric bike: safer than the standard bike

In North America, 60% of participants said they felt safer on an electric bike compared to a standard bike. Eight times more participants claimed to have avoided accidents thanks to the electric bike, compared to those who believed that the vehicle had contributed to it. According to a study (2) carried out by the same group of researchers, this can be explained by several reasons.

For example, by being able to cover longer distances, cyclists can take longer routes with their electric bike, to avoid unsafe regions. They can also accelerate faster to pass intersections and react more quickly in the event of an incident since their attention can be on the road, rather than on the bike itself.

Quantum: safety first

At Quantum, our customers’ safety is a priority. We take the time to share our expertise as best as we can, to advise you based on your needs and offer you the best e-biking experience possible. Our goal is that you leave with an electric bike that meets your needs, with all the knowledge you need to ride it safely.

Discover our efficient and safe electric bikes.


  1. https://ppms.trec.pdx.edu/media/project_files/E-bikes_in_North_America.pdf
  2. https://www.calbike.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/A-North-American-Survey-of-Electric-Bicycle-Owners.pdf